Calling all movie buffs! A company is looking for someone (who will get paid €50 per hour!) to watch Wolf of Wall Street!
DesignRush, a business-to-business marketplace is looking for someone to watch blockbuster films such as 'Wolf of Wall Street', 'The Big Short' and 'The Social Network'. The job title is a 'Chief Business Film Analyst'. The job consists of watching movies based on businesses, in order to analyse trends and consumer insights.
The successful candidate will get to learn from these films and help a real-life company!
If you have a flare for business and love movies, then this is the perfect role for you! You will "dissect, discuss and debate the portrayal of business in some of the greatest films of our time." The candidate must the apply their learnings to the real business world.
Whether Michael Burry predicting the housing market crash in 2007 is your jam, or if your style is more Leonardo DiCaprio's antics in the Wolf of Wall Street, it is up to you! You will be paid an eye-watering €50 per hour for every movie you watch! Watching, analysing and applying your findings to make a real difference in the world... maybe there will be a movie made about you one day!
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