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10. Irish fans serenade Nun on train with 'Our Father'
We couldn’t start this list without a nod, a wink and…in the case of this video,
a prayer to Irish fan videos at the Euros.
Displaying World-class skills for humour and comic timing, a bunch of fans launch into a Passionate rendition of ‘Our Father’ - when a lone Nun walks into their train carriage.
Brilliant setup - she looks suitably bewildered, but probably impressed they know the words and the tune!
Of all the videos of Irish fans at the Euros, this is one of the funniest.
9. Mean Tweets - President Obama Edition
How do you make a video go Viral?
Short answer? You can’t.
Long answer? You can…
If you ask the President of the United States to go on your show and read out Mean Tweets about themselves.
That’s basically Viral Gold.
‘Mean Tweets’ the segment of Jimmy Kimmel Live, featuring stars and celebrities reading ‘Mean Tweets’ about themselves, was an instant hit when it started and within 24 hours of its upload, this President Barack Obama edition had over 10 million views becoming the most watched video in the series ever. His favourite tweet? Probably…
Q. “How do you make Obama’s eyes light up?
A. Shine a flashlight in his ears.”
8. Dover Police DashCam Confessional (Shake it Off)
Although it looks like secret Dashcam footage, this video was actually shot as part of Delaware Police Department's community outreach campaign.
To celebrate reaching 10,000 Facebook followers, the department launched a series called ‘Dash Cam Confessionals’ - to show a different side of police.
First up to volunteer - Officer Jeff Davis - cruising around, miming to Taylor Swift's ‘Shake It Off’
Sounds like he didn’t have to rehearse much though…
“When you drive around in a car all day listening to Taylor Swift, you get to know all the words to her songs"
7. Golden boy Calum Scott - Britain's Got Talent 2015
When Calum Scott walked on stage after his sister had just failed in her attempt to win a place on Britain's Got Talent, he understandably seemed a bit nervous.
What followed, was a stunning performance of ‘On my Own’ by Robyn - a standing ovation and Simon Cowell pressing the Golden Buzzer to put him straight through.
Not a bad turn-around for the family!
Simon said he pressed the buzzer because “I’ve never, ever in all the years I’ve done this show, heard a guy with the talent you’ve got.”
Nice words…but he didn’t sign him up to his Syco label!
Scott eventually finished 6th in the final, but the video is still racking up views around the world.
6. 6ft Man in Giant Water Balloon - 4K - The Slow Mo Guys
For some reason, we all love watching silly things played back in slow motion. There’s no reason for it, we just do and most of the time it’s funnier than the original.
Cue ‘The Slow Mo Guys’ – two pranksters who’ve built a whole YouTube channel around slo-mo videos – filming on high-speed cameras at 4K resolution and then slowing it way down for playback.
So what’s funny or fascinating in slow-motion?
Well, bursting water balloons never gets old - once you pop you just can’t stop. So how about putting a 6-foot man in a 6-foot Giant water balloon, filling it with water and seeing what happens?
Yeh, that works…
5. Justin Bieber Carpool Karaoke
Probably the most successful series of videos over the last year have been the Carpool Karaoke trips with James Corden and this one with Justin Bieber is one of the biggest.
Not much to say about it really - Stick a star in a car - have them sing along to one of their hits - bit of clothes swapping and generally have the craic.
Wasn’t expecting the Impressive Rubik’s cube skills though!
But then, is there anything The Biebs can’t do?!
4. Love Has No Labels | Diversity & Inclusion | Ad Council
Originally set up as a public Installation in California - part of the ‘Love Has No Labels’ campaign - this video went Viral instantly, clocking up over 57 million views to date.
The idea was simple – set up a Giant ‘X-ray’ screen showing different sets of skeletons kissing, hugging and dancing before revealing themselves to audience as gay, lesbian and bi-racial couples and friends.
One reason the video resonated with viewers was that the couples featured were actual couples, not actors.
And in case you’re wondering, no, that wasn't an X-ray machine—the whole thing was done using motion trackers.
3. Crazy Plastic Ball PRANK!!
YouTube prankster Roman Atwood is known for his off-the-wall stunts, often at the expense of his ever-patient wife.
This time, though, he out-did himself and all it took was some balls!
While she was out, he got his kids and some friends together, to fill an entire floor of his house with over 250,000 plastic balls.
By the time she returned, it was like one Giant Ball Pit.
All fun and games of course ‘til someone has to tidy it up, so what do you do?
Make another video about that, throw in some Outtakes and Boom!
- Another 15 million views.
Don’t try this at home kids!
2. Irish fans sing Lullaby to French baby on Bordeaux Train
Ok, so technically speaking this can’t compete with the tens of millions of views of the other videos and shouldn’t really be at number 2.
But technically speaking…we don’t care! - It still one of the funniest!
And funny as well because, like the ‘Our Father’ video at Number 10, it also
involves a bunch of Irish Euro 2016 fans on a Train.
Granted, they’re a bit worse for wear but, impressively, they still manage to remember all the words to ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ and their collective “SHHhh” has obviously been honed to perfection on the training pitch/pub.
Not sure about that new Lullaby ending though…
“Shut up or we’ll box the head off ya”!
1.Heaven King - Silento- Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)
Four-year-old Heaven King was already a social media star, by the time she danced and drove her pink Cadillac around Harlem for this No. 1 video.
Scoring her first viral hit, age 2, dancing to Beyoncé’s ‘End of Time’ – Heaven then made numerous appearances on the ELLEN Show before getting her own dance crew together for this version of Silento’s - Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)
Directed by her mother Tianne, this cute vid was an instant hit and easily
took the No.1 viral video spot for 2015.