Ladies pack your bags.
The countries with the largest penis sizes have been revealed ( and Ireland, sadly, is not in the top ten.)
Researchers at From Mars published the average penis sizes globally and showed how penis sizes compared with the average height of men.
According to their website, Ecuadorian men have the largest average penis size, with an erect length of 6.93 inches, or 10.5% of their average height. Many African countries made the top ten with Cameroon and Sudan in the top five. The Netherlands is the only European country to make the top ten with an average erect length of 6.25 inches or 9% of average height.
Ireland is in 70th place globally, with the Irish lads measuring a tidy 5.03 inches when erect. This is just shy of the global average of 5.54 cm. The Asian men are lowest in the ranks, with Cambodians coming in last at 3.95 inches when erect.
READ MORE: Countries with smallest average penis size revealed
From Mars researchers have stressed that this study has some shortcomings, (no pun intended). The data was self-reported, meaning many men may have been a little over-generous with their own measurements. The study also seems to have only measured 87 countries out of 292.
The full list is shown below:
