Beat102103 revealed the countries with the largest average penis size; now we are taking a look at the countries with the smallest average penis size.
Out of 87 countries surveyed, Ireland ranked 70th, with an average length of 5.03 inches. This is below the world average length which is 5.54 inches.
Researchers at From Mars published the average penis sizes globally and showed how penis sizes compared with height.
According to their website, Ecuadorians have the largest average penis size. African countries predominantly featured in the top 10, with Cameroon and Sudan in the top 5.
In the same list countries with the smallest penis sizes were also revealed.

Cambodia comes in first for countries with the smallest erect penis, with an average length of 3.95 inches. Coming in second is Myanmar, with an average size of 4.21. In third place is the Philippines with 4.27 inches. The top ten is dominated by countries in Asia.
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