
Smartwatches cause anxiety and stress, according to new research

Smartwatches cause anxiety and stress, according to new research

Counting your steps and tracking your sleep pattern on your smartwatch could be doing more harm than good.

Half of people who use smartwatches say it causes them stress about their health, according to a survey by Mintel.

Professor of Psychiatry at Trinity College, Brendan Kelly, says obsessively tracking your sleep can lead to a lot of difficulties.

"People are monitoring their sleep patterns to an excessive degree - they are so preoccupied with getting perfect sleep that they can't get to sleep.


"Sleep is very good and we should prioritise it in our lives - but we cannot measure it as precisely as these watches appear to suggest we can.

"Ironically they tend to diminish sleep quality in the end," according to Professor Kelly.

The survey by market research company Mintel has led to researchers encouraging brands, like Apple and Garmin, to promote 'digital detoxes' to their customers.

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