
Want to know if you're a psychopath? You can now take a test!

Want to know if you're a psychopath? You can now take a test!

Ever wondered if you are or could possibly be a psychopath? Or have been called one by a friend or family member, well now there's a test to see if you are near the cut-off point.


The word can be thrown around a lot in TV, film, social media and among friends and family, but what does the word psychopath actually mean?

According to, the definition of the word psychopath is "a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behaviour, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc."


Many people get confused or mixed up with the term sociopath, however, the characteristics historically associated with both terms now fall under what’s officially known as antisocial personality disorder and include impulsive and sometimes violent behaviour, a lack of empathy and remorse, and a complete disregard for other people, rules, and laws.

According to, some professionals consider the "behaviours and characteristics associated with both terms to be largely the same" however others see the two terms far apart with clear distinctions.

Reports suggest that Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) was the first person to describe patients with psychopathic traits.


The online test is obviously not an official medical assessment, but it does show the tendencies affiliated with being a psychopath.

The Original Hare Psychopathy Checklist is a psychological assessment tool designed to assess the presence of psychopathy in individuals.

The test contains a 22-item checklist of perceived personality traits and observable behaviours that ranks your answers based on a score out of 40 - and the closer you are to the cut-off point - the more likely you have psychopath traits.

The PCL was originally developed in the 1970s by Canadian psychologist Robert Hare for use in psychology experiments.

Take the test below!
