
Always forget where you park your car? This app to find your car has gone free on the app store today

Always forget where you park your car? This app to find your car has gone free on the app store today

Are you, or your friends, likely to forget where you've parked your cars?

Ever landed in Dublin airport with no recollection of which section of the Long-Term Holiday Blue car park you left your car in before you jetted off?

This app is designed to simplify the way you locate your car using features like augmented reality, radar tracking and simple map view.



It also helps you to set timer alerts to avoid parking fines.

You save your location when you park and the app tracks your car in a way that claims to be "efficient and amusing".

The app has gone free on the app store today and it's not clear how long it'll remain free for... so if you, or one or your mates, tends to find themselves perplexed when it's time to get back to your car, this might be for you!


Click here for the link.

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