An Irish Reddit user has sought advice on paying a drug user to deter people from bidding on a particular property.
Posting on Irish Reddit last night, the user wrote: "I am currently bidding on a house in Dublin but there is a viewing tomorrow evening. I am thinking of hiring a junkie to go near the house and ask for money from people to deter any more bidders."
The Reddit user created the post to seek advice on the appropriate payment for such a task. The post was titled "How much to pay junkie?". He asked "Should I pay half before then half after or withhold the payment until after the viewing is complete? Was thinking of €30 which is above minimum wage for the 2-hour viewing plus he gets whatever money he manages to beg off people during that time."

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Commenting on the post, some users offered advice saying "Consider stopping by tonight after dark. Nothing like the smell of human urine and a pile of old cans to cut bidding in half." Others were confused as to the sincerity of the post. "Can't tell how many of ye are messing and how many are being serious. This is either brilliant satire or cursed beyond words," wrote one user.
One Redditor shared a story of a similar deterrent plot used by his friend. "I knew a guy who had tooms rented out in his house. He moved out. A few years later he had some problems with some of the tenants not paying and refusing to leave. He knows a guy who is the most disgusting human you could meet, so he paid him to move into the room in the house. He would sit on the couch picking his nose and eating it. Walked around the house naked all kinds of crazy stuff. All tenants moved out in a month" he wrote.
The post currently has 361 comments and has not yet been verified.
The controversial thread comes as the government has voted to end the eviction ban during a time when Taoiseach Leo Varadkar called the housing crisis "one of the greatest political challenges of our time."