
Mixed results for the South East in latest RDATF findings

Mixed results for the South East in latest RDATF findings

There's been mixed news for the South East after the Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force released their latest findings.

The 2014/15 Drug Prevalence Survey found that levels of illegal drug use increased

It also found that males are more likely to take illegal drugs than females, and young adults more likely than older adults.

Below are the main findings from the report:


Lifetime use
Prevalence rate for lifetime use of any illegal drug was highest in the East Coast and Northern RDATF areas (both 41%) and lowest in the North Western RDATF (20%).

Last year prevalence
Cannabis was the most frequently used illegal drug in all RDATF areas in the year prior to the survey and after cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine were the most frequently reported illegal drugs for recent use
Cannabis use in the last year by young adults (aged 15-34) has increased significantly in many RDATF regions
Recent use of any illegal drug was highest in the South Western RDATF area (12%) and lowest in the Mid-Western RDATF area (5%).
Recent use of ecstasy in young adults (aged 15-34) has increased in all RDATF areas and significantly so in many areas. The largest increases are seen in the Western and South Western RDATFs.
Recent use of other opiates was highest in the South Western RDATF area (58%) and lowest in the North Eastern RDATF area (35%).
Recent use of anti-depressants was highest in the South Eastern RDATF area (9%) and lowest in the Mid-Western and North Western RDATF areas (both 4%).
Last year alcohol prevalence ranged from 67% in the North Western RDATF area to 83% in the South Western RDATF area.
Recent tobacco use was highest in the South Western RDATF area (35%), followed by the East Coast RDATF area (34%), and lowest in the South RDATF area (28%).
The lowest rates of last year use of any illegal drug by young adults (aged 15-34) are seen in the three most southerly RDATFs - Southern, Mid-Western and South Eastern

Last month use
Current use of any illegal drugs was also highest in the South Western RDATF area (8%) and lowest in the Mid-Western RDATF area (2%).
As in previous surveys, males are more likely to take illegal drugs than females, and young adults (15-34) more likely than older adults (35-64).
