Pornography is everywhere. According to a recent survey conducted by Beat one in five people in the South East watch pornography every day.

But do we really understand pornography?
What really happens on a porn set?
And is it healthy for a teenager to learn about sex through porn?
In a first of its kind radio documentary airing this Thursday, December 10th, Pornography and You reveals how we really interact with porn.
In Part One, award-nominated documentary maker Michelle Heffernan tries to understand the reality of porn. She speaks to international gay porn star Theo Ford as well as Irish porn icon Carla 4 Garda about what really happens when making a porno. Sex Educator Caroline West explains what porn really is, and why “porn literacy” is important, and Michelle chats to real women from the South East about how they engage with porn.

Porn Stars Theo Ford and Carla4Garda tell Beat what porn is really like
In Part Two of the documentary Michelle digs a little deeper. She hears confessions from two brave men in the South East about porn addiction, hiding porn use from a partner and breakdown of relationships over porn consumption.
Sex Therapist Jo Ryder tells Michelle how porn addiction works and how it can cause problems with real-life sex, and Michelle asks “how a couple can have a healthy relationship with porn?”
Finally Michelle speaks to former international footballer and psychotherapist Richie Sadlier about porn education, and how to have a talk with a child or teenager about pornography.
Young or old, single or married, parent or teenager, this is a documentary you need to listen to. Pornography is here to stay and we need to know how to understand it, so we can all look after our sexual health.
If you are affected by the contents of this documentary, please consider the following supports:
- Speak to your GP, or a trusted adult about your concerns.
- Speak to a Sex & Relationships Therapist. Find one in your area here
- Visit Spunout website or HSE Sexual Health website
- Freephone the Samaritans on 116 123