It's a big day for Trish from Beat Breakfast today.
She is now an official Irish citizen!
Trish attended a citizenship ceremony at the Convention Centre in Dublin this afternoon, which saw over three thousand candidates from 120 countries in attendance.
Jamaican-born Trish explains how it feels.
"I don't really feel different, but I know what it means inside - so that internal weight has been lifted."
"In some sense that does make you feel different, but I'm still the same Trish, just now with a different nationality!"

Trish and her Mum at the Convention Centre
She explains her journey to this point.
"I came to Ireland when I was twelve years old, so it's been nearly seventeen years."
"I feel Irish. I've been here so long, my friends are here my family is here."
"It's my home and it's where I see myself growing old."
"To me now, this just puts a stamp on it to say 'right, you are really Irish'."