
W.I.T wants more women to get into Engineering

W.I.T wants more women to get into Engineering

W.I.T's Engineering Week is continuing today

With so many events take place at the Campus, it's a good place to go if you want to see some experiments

Not many women work in Engineering but W.I.T want more to get involved

Ken Thomas is Head of the School of Engineering at the I.T


"We need more women in engineering and it's a big time for us at the moment.

Unfortunately, I think it's a National thing, we need more women to think of engineering.

There's some fantastic success stories out there with our own students, we have female students but we need more and we'd like more.

The message from industry is that they'd like more women to take up engineering in all its forms."


Ken also explained some of the events taking place

"I suppose one of the things we have a number of workshops with kids and so on.

One of the things we did in the college last year was set up an automatic self-driving car.

We'll be telling the story about that during the week. There's also a quiz for Secondary School students, we're going to celebrate global engineering.


We have a number of students from the world in W.I.T so we hope to get them up to talk about their countries like India, Brazil China and so on so it's always interesting."
