
Scientists pioneer revolutionary DNA cancer treatment; nanobot therapy also on the horizon

Scientists pioneer revolutionary DNA cancer treatment; nanobot therapy also on the horizon

A study by scientists from Tel Aviv University, New York University, and Harvard Medical School describes a new technique that can accurately target cancerous cells and kills them while leaving healthy cells alive.

The technique relies on DNA editing tools. It involves physically cutting the DNA in cancerous cells, killing them.

The technique has been successfully used in mice, and the scientists believe that it could be used in humans within the next two years.

Keeping with futuristic medical projects, nanobots that can protect your biological system and ensure that you have a good and long life could be working inside you within the next 10 years.


DNA robots are already being tested in animals to seek out and destroy cancer cells.

Researchers believe that nanobots could soon deliver drugs to humans with a high degree of accuracy, allowing exact dosages where needed and potentially preventing harmful side effects.

They could be used to treat and monitor a wide range of medical issues.

Image by Konstantin Kolosov from Pixabay


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