Hello there,
Emma from The Top 7 at 7 and The Takeover here :-)
Like many 23 year olds, I started shaving when I was in my early teenage years.
Talking about body hair can be extremely personal to some, but I decided nevertheless to share my positive laser-hair-removal experience with you as I came across a stat lately that 61 percent of women in Europe are interested in laser-hair-removal.
I feel like the topic deserves to be spoken about more openly and I have been genuinely blown away by the effectiveness of this treatment.
The years of constant-shaving has resulted in me never feeling as though I get a 'clean-shave' anymore. This is particularly evident with my underarms - I feel like they still appear slightly stubbly immediately after shaving.

I decided to do something about this and sought advice with our friends at Genesis Clinic, Waterford.
The clinic is situated at 24B, Ballybricken in Waterford city. It has five private waiting rooms which I was really impressed by, as naturally privacy is essential for some clients. This is guaranteed.
Tracy is the Doctor at the practice and she invited me in to chat all things laser; how many treatments are needed to ensure a successful package, how exactly the treatment works and if it would involve any pain. (it was minimal, but I'll get to that later)
After having a look at the areas I was eager to have done, (under arms, legs and bikini), we decided on the GentleLASE treatment offered at the clinic.
Tracy explained that I would need a full treatment to ensure desired results; essentially, you won't get lasting results from one individual session; the amount of sessions varies from person to person.

So, how does laser hair removal actually work then? Tracy explained that the laser is fine tuned to target the hair follicles and heat them up, while ensuring your skin remains safe from the heat.
I promised I'd come back to the question about pain; It doesn't hurt. It's not particularly comfortable, but you definitely couldn't describe it as painful. The discomfort is so mild and sometimes you may need to take a break for 20 seconds and then you feel totally fine again.
I remained calm and chilled during most of my laser treatments, as is evident in attached video; all but one.
On one occasion I experienced discomfort and I couldn't understand why- Tracy explained this could be affected by your menstrual cycle and if it's your time of the month, it can feel a little bit more uncomfortable, so just bear that in mind! Again, 'painful' is the wrong word, just uncomfortable at that time and this again varies from client to client.
The issues I had with my underarms constantly appearing stubbly was the same with my legs. I'd been shaving them three times a week for almost ten years, so it was no wonder really.
You can see what I mean in below image:

TIP: make sure you have all of your fake tan scrubbed off before your treatment! It's essential that your skin is totally clean.
I learned this the hard way and had some tan left on my legs after having a spray tan days beforehand and when I arrived for my treatment we were unable to proceed.
Many people wonder what areas can and cannot be treated by laser. I've learned you cannot get laser underneath your eyebrows, but you can between them. Men often inquire about inside the nose and ears which cannot be done. Most other areas can be treated. Back and chest hair removal is also popular for men.
There's a common misconception that when you get a full laser treatment, you will never have to shave again. This is untrue.
What you'll see if that you will not have to shave as often, but may have to shave patches every few weeks rather than every few days. This varies from person to person.
I have more laser treatments to undergo, so I'm looking forward to updating you on my progress in the coming weeks!
Next Wednesday, Beat's Kolyn will reveal all about his collagen pin treatment- stretch marks are common for men, particularly on the lower back region & Kolyn decided to give it a go and the results are phenomenal, we're looking forward to sharing it with you!
For now, make sure you check out this video for your chance to win some great prizes and find out more about Geneis Clinic by clicking here.