
New Chester Bennington Songs To Be Released

New Chester Bennington Songs To Be Released

A new album featuring Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington will be streamed around the world later.

Before Bennington became famous as the front-man of the nu-metal giants, he was the lead singer with Phoenix-based post-grunge band Grey Daze, recording vocal tracks for an album which remained unfinished and unreleased - until now.

Grey Daze drummer Sean Dowdell says the project had been in the pipeline since 2016, but Bennington's death in July 2017 meant he never got to re-record his parts.


Dowdell used the existing vocals and re-recorded the rest of the music, with members of bands including Korn and Breaking Benjamin performing on the record.

Teaser tracks have already been released on Spotify, but fans can join the world-wide listener party to hear more via the Grey Daze website.

