
HSE records an increase in texts to its mental health support service

HSE records an increase in texts to its mental health support service

By Dean Egan.

The number of texts to the HSE's mental health support service increased by 74% in the space of six months.

According to freedom of information figures, there were nearly 26,000 messages sent between July and December.

50808 is a free 24/7 text service, which people can message if they're going through a mental health or emotional crisis - big or small.


It's funded by the HSE and was launched in June of last year. Its CEO is Waterford-man Ian Power, who also holds the same position within youth organisation

Last July there were 3,293 texts to the service and there was a gradual increase in the following months.

In December, there were 5,728 texts to 50808.

Professor of psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin, Brendan Kelly, says the increase is partly due to the Covid crisis.


"The text line is designed for people with a personal crisis who are unable to cope, or need support"

"Undoubtedly the pandemic has contributed to the increased need for this kind of support."

"I think we will see more people reaching out through the text message service, as the months progress in the pandemic."

The HSE also has a freephone service for people looking for mental health supports.


It also had an increase during the same six-month period, from 322 calls in July to 403 in December.
