
Warning over increased burglary risk during Christmas period

Warning over increased burglary risk during Christmas period

People are being warned about the increased risk of burglary over the Christmas period.

AA Insurance says people should be more imaginative when it comes to hiding presents.

A recent survey shows 26% of people hide festive presents in the wardrobe, while 22% choose the attic as their hiding spot.

Spokesperson Arwen Foley says burglars know the obvious hiding places we tend to use.


“Hiding your presents in obvious places makes it easier for a burglar to make off with the best loot,” she warns.

“Of course the best way to prevent a burglary is to make sure you take every precaution possible in the first place to keep them out of your home.”

They advise people to ensure their home alarm is functioning and turned on before leaving and to ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your property if you're heading away for a long period.

They also say you should check your windows are closed, doors are locked and to leave some lights on so it looks like someone is home.
