The Truth About Eating Disorders

The Truth About Eating Disorders

The Truth About Eating Disorders
Michelle Heffernan
Michelle Heffernan

“Getting over anorexia was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life...but it is the reason I am still alive today.”

Approximately 200,000 people in Ireland right now have an eating disorder.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be underweight to suffer from an eating disorder. In fact, only 6% of people with eating disorders are underweight, and most people who have an eating disorder are a normal weight or overweight.

In The Truth About Eating Disorders Beat's Michelle Heffernan seeks to raise awareness about these serious mental illnesses, and break down myths and misinformation around eating disorders.


She speaks to eating disorder experts, eating disorder survivors, and most importantly, tells her own personal story of life with an eating disorder.

“This was the most difficult project I have ever worked on but also the most important,” Michelle says. “You are not alone in dealing with an eating disorder. You can find support and you can regain your life.”
