Beat At Work

Stacey Solomon Thanks Front-line Covid-19 Workers

Stacey Solomon Thanks Front-line Covid-19 Workers

Stacey Solomon has made an impassioned speech thanking key workers for risking their lives during the coronavirus outbreak.

She took to Instagram stories shortly after Boris Johnson’s speech last night, calling for a UK-wide lockdown.

Check out her Insta to see what she had to say:

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🤍 Mother’s Day 🤍 “I KNOW IT'S HARD MAMA. I KNOW IT CAN BE HARD TO GET UP EVERY DAY AND HAVE THESE LITTLE PEOPLE RELY ON YOU. I KNOW IT'S HARD TO FEEL LIKE SOMETIMES YOUR WORLD IS SO SMALL. I WANT TO REMIND YOU, YOU ARE THE WORLD. YOU ARE THE WORLD THAT THOSE LITTLE ONES REVOLVE AROUND. YOU ARE THEIR NURTURE, THEIR HOME, AND THEIR COMFORT. YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO THEM AND I HOPE EVEN ON YOUR HARD DAYS YOU KNOW HOW SPECIAL YOU ARE, ESPECIALLY TO YOUR LITTLE PEOPLE” I don’t know how... but somehow I managed to get them all in pink, looking at the camera, and smiling 😂 Happy Bloody Mother’s Day 😂 It’s been a strange one, but nothing compared to being a key worker in this country fighting to keep everybody safe. So in the grand scheme of things I feel so lucky and grateful to be at home with my family. I hope you’re all ok and not feeling too overwhelmed with it all. Shout out to every kind of mum today... Never forget you’re doing an incredible job. Love you all 🤍

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