
Number of jobs available has dropped by almost 15% - monitor

Number of jobs available has dropped by almost 15% - monitor

There has been a drop of almost 15% in the number of jobs available across the country.

That is according to the latest Morgan McKinley Employment Monitor.

Trayc Keevans, Global FDI Director, Morgan McKinley Ireland, said that the monitor shows the usual seasonal factors at play.

"The summer period can bring a slowdown in activity with fewer opportunities available," said Ms Keevans.


"There was a slight reduction in the number of job announcements over the summer break, but this was offset by news of significant investments including relocations to larger office spaces and second site expansions by the multinational sector.

"This was seen across a mix of industry sectors including cyber security, cloud services, engineering, ecommerce, fintech, financial services, manufacturing and healthcare."

The monitor says the figures for quarter three also show 15.5% more job-hunters are seeking new roles.

Morgan McKinley Commercial Director, John Cunningham says companies need to take steps to attract talent.


"Employers need to do their very best to make themselves as attractive as possible," said Mr Cunningham.

Things such as flexible work within the organisation, how advanced and sophisticated it is and corporate social responsibility are all things being asked by new candidates, according to Mr Cunningham.

The IT sector is performing strongly with a huge demand.

"There's a huge pressure at the moment with regard to specific IT skills and the competition is fierce.


"The IT market remains buoyant and shows no sign of slowing down.

"There is a massive demand for cloud architects, .net developers, QA developers and IT project managers."
