Beat's Big Lunch

The lighter side of COVID-19

The lighter side of COVID-19

Yesterday the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced that all schools and colleges are closed today and will remain closed until March 29th.
The Taoiseach also said that where possible you should work from home... so that's what I'm doing, and I have to say, it's pretty sweet!

I'm writing this article while sitting on my bed in my pyjamas with a cup of tea beside me and the worst bed head you ever did see. This got me thinking: there are some positives that go along with this whole pandemic, whether that be the fact you get to sleep in, you can wear your PJ's while doing work or just scrolling on twitter to see what other people are saying!

I've decided to share some with you, enjoy!





Number 2: You don't have to deal with that co worker you don't like.



Number 3: Limited dealings with customers.


Number 4: The tweets from Irish people.

This mam deserves so many medals


A different way of looking at things

Oh I feel this on a personal level

How could you buy 7up FREE at a time like this??

Number 5:  No one can give out to you for not wanting to go outside.


Number 6: Dogs can't get coronavirus!!!


So there you go, already that's 6 positives that I can think of. If I've forgotten anymore then let me know! In the mean time, wash your hands, stay safe and listen to Beat for tunes, craic and updates!
