Some students may not return to campus for the year

Some students may not return to campus for the year

Some third level students may not set foot on campus for the remainder of the academic year.

The Irish Independent reports a number of universities have told students there will be no return to large group teaching, due to public health advice.

DCU's announced its current teaching activities will remain the same for spring, with end of year exams taking place online.

Maynooth University's advised it will not return to large group teaching on campus.


While the University of Limerick says it's also decided to continue with the current teaching model for the second half of the academic year.

Waterford Institute of Technology president William Donnelly has suggested that he hopes students can return to the classrooms before the end of the year, with first-year studnets having select classes, while lab workshops continue to take place socially-distanced on campus.
