
Here are seven huge red flags in a man that women mistake for 'green' flags

Here are seven huge red flags in a man that women mistake for 'green' flags

A relationship expert Kelsey Wonderlin has revealed the seven major red flags women mistake for green flags.

The dating coach and therapist Kelsey Wonderlin says women should be cautious if he is 'charming and chases you' or attempts to 'woo' you.

Talking about 'the future' in date two should make you treat him with caution. This is the second red flag.

And if he doesn't let you pay for anything then that's another huge red flag; the third one.


The fourth red flag is if it feels like he is 'courting' you.


"Courting can distract both parties from focusing on the deeper qualities that are important for discerning if you're truly compatible: emotional maturity, core values," she warned.

The fifth red flag is if he want to 'lead' everywhere. She explained "When one person leads in a dynamic, BY DESIGN, one person leads and one person follows."

'Think about the areas of life we use the term 'lead' - A boss. A superior. One person in a position of power over another.


'In equal partnership, we lead ourselves & LEAN on each other at times. We divide up tasks based on our preferences & strengths. But EACH partner does this & it's discussed as a TEAM.'

The sixth red flag is that he makes you feel like his life is 'incomplete' without you.

And the seventh is 'wanting to see you all the time'.

She warned abusive relationships don't start out that way and often involve an intense period of 'wooing' at the beginning.

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