
Cabinet to see CervicalCheck review before making it public today

Cabinet to see CervicalCheck review before making it public today

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynacologists' review into CervicalCheck is expected to go before cabinet Ministers this morning.

The review examined more than 1,000 smear test results in the wake of last year's scandal.

The review of more than 1,000 smear test results has been carried out by the UK's Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG).

It is aimed at trying to find out if there were any failures to prevent cancer or to intervene at an earlier stage.


It has contacted the women involved to tell them whether or not there was a failure to identify abnormal cells, and if this meant cancer could have been diagnosed at an earlier stage.

Women were also informed if the RCOG review of the slide was the same as the original review.

After informing all of the women involved, the summary report was given to Health Minister Simon Harris.

He is expected to bring it before Cabinet colleagues this morning and it is likely to be published this afternoon.
