
Locations revealed for Waterford City's €17.3m renewal project

Locations revealed for Waterford City's €17.3m renewal project

The details of a major urban renewal project for Waterford City have been revealed.

Mayor Adam Wyse (FF), provided locations for the major spend during a recent special meeting at Waterford Medieval Museum.

The core locations to undergo the urban renewal project are:

  • Arundal Square,
  • John Street,
  • High Street ,
  • Peter Street,
  • Henrietta Street,
  • Colbeck Street,
  • Olaf Street,
  • Saint Francis Place &
  • Lady Lane

Work is already underway at The Apple Market, the so-called 'centerpiece of the project', where a glass canopy is set to transform the square into an all weather, multipurpose public arts space.


Waterford City & County Council have also set out to ensure that the impact on traffic will be kept to a minimum during the construction phase.

The project is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund, while the remainder is provided by Waterford City and County Council, the National Transport Authority, & other agencies.

On wrapping up the announcement, Mayor Wyse affirmed that the project would be a statement of confidence, one that designates Waterford as a gateway to the South East.

The current phase of development is set to conclude in early 2018.


H/t: The Munster Express
