The Takeover

#AwfullyIrishConfessions on The Takeover

#AwfullyIrishConfessions on The Takeover

On The Takeover last night, (Monday 16th January), alongside #KantKopeMonday we talked #AwfullyIrishConfessions, inspired by a Buzzfeed article that you can check out here.

We decided to put an Irish spin on things and asked you to confess to all of those Irish foods, songs, traditions and stereotypes that you don't agree with.

Have a look at some of the reaction that came in:

1.One brave snapchatter admitted "I'm Irish and I don't like mashed potatoes. #SorryNotSorry"


The horror.

2. Evan wrote "I don't like the National Anthem. I can't explain it, it just annoys me!"

You and many others, Evan.

3. Chloe admitted she's not a fan of bacon and cabbage. Eugh


4. Tut tut.

5. Gráinne put it all out there saying "I HATE traditional music, I can't stand it, shout out to my Da for making my listen to it 24/7 to get 'the Irish into me.'"

6. Caoimhe wrote "Not accepting compliments! E.g, if someone compliments your clothes the majority of Irish people would say that they only bought them in a sale and they're cheap. It's annoying, but quite funny!"

7. Shock. Horror.


Have a listen to Kerry's confession here:

The Takeover is back after the Top 7 at 7 tonight. Join the conversation by snapchatting 'beattakeover', Whats App-ing, texting and calling.
