Leaving Cert exams to take place on evenings and weekends in November

Leaving Cert exams to take place on evenings and weekends in November

By Tomas Doherty

This year’s Leaving Cert exams will begin on November 16th subject to public health advice, the Minister for Education Norma Foley has said.

Junior Cycle examinations for adult learners and early school leavers will also commence in November.

The tests are open to all 2020 candidates and will be an option for any student who is unhappy with the calculated grades they receive.


The exams are scheduled to take place on evenings and at weekends.

Ms Foley also confirmed that the postponed Leaving Cert tests will take the form of written examinations only, and said it's "not practical" to examine oral or practical elements of some courses - or try to complete unfinished coursework.

Students in most subjects will be graded solely based on their written paper.
