
20 Wexford secondary school children without school bus place in September

20 Wexford secondary school children without school bus place in September

Around 20 secondary school children living in rural Wexford are without a school bus place for the upcoming school year.

Due to higher demand than usual, many students have missed out.

Aisling Howard's three children have been getting the bus to Creagh College in Gorey for the last two and half years.

They did not get a place this year and Aisling says it will have a serious impact on the family.


She said: "I'm starting college full-time to do a degree course in business. I'll be travelling in the opposite direction to them in the morning so for me to attend college in Wexford town for 9am, it's impossible for me to get my children into school without the school bus.

"I'm on my own, at home with the three children, so it's really stressful. I don't have any other means of getting the children to school."
