
Gardaí investigating attempted abduction of woman in Co Tipperary

Gardaí investigating attempted abduction of woman in Co Tipperary
Gardaí investigating attempted abduction of woman in Co Tipperary

Superintendent Willie Leahy of Clonmel Garda Station appealed for witnesses to two incidents in the town last night.

Gardaí in Co Tipperary are investigating the attempted abduction of a woman in Clonmel last night.

The woman was approached by a man when she was walking on the Western Road at around 9.15pm.

The man grabbed the woman and attempted to drag her into a car which was parked across the road.


Speaking with his local radio station today, Superintendent Willie Leahy of Clonmel Garda Station described how the incident unfolded and appealed for witnesses.

"She was approached by a male who grabbed her and a struggle ensued and he attempted to drag her across the road to a parked vehicle," he said.

"We believe it was a silver hatchback vehicle. It's a very busy area, you have walkers, runners and cyclists, you have people living in the area and it's a busy road for driving, so I believe somebody may have been in the area and seen that incident take place."

In a separate incident in the town last night, a man was hospitalised following an assault in a housing estate.


The victim was approached by a man who had driven into the Wilderness Grove estate at around 9pm.

Superintendent Leahy said that after the initial assault, Gardaí believe the man returned to the scene and approached the victim for the second time.

It isn't every day of the week that a person alights from a car and goes deliberately over to another person and seriously assaults them.

"We believe the assailant in that returned to the scene approximately five or ten minutes later and again interacted with the injured party," he said.


Superintendent Leahy said that the injured man was not assaulted on that occasion.

He appealed for anyone who may have seen the incident to contact Gardaí.
