
It's National Workplace Wellbeing Day!

It's National Workplace Wellbeing Day!

Today is National Workplace Wellbeing Day

The idea started 3 years ago.

Large and small companies across the country are encouraged to participate in the event, which aims to improve employee health through promoting better nutrition and physical activity.

Claire Cullen, Communications officer with GIY in Waterford explains the idea behind it


National workplace wellbeing day is in it's 3rd year this year.

The aim is to make sure workplaces are as healthy and beneficial to our lives as they possibly can be because we spend more time awake at work than anywhere else.

So if you're trying to improve your health and your wellbeing.

A garden at work is no harm what-so-ever and also for the employers out there, if you improve your workplace wellbeing, you have a more productive workforce and a happier business.



G.I.Y have put together these top tips:

One: Plants are not just an attractive part of the décor, research shows that certain plants act as air purifiers and also release oxygen into the atmosphere. This significantly improves indoor air quality and employee cognition. Good plants for indoors spaces include kale, mint, coriander, jade, bamboo and snake plants.



Two: Natural light – Just like plants, humans also have a strong and intrinsic connection to the sun’s rays, regular exposure to UV light, encourages production of Vitamin D. Vit D has been shown to elevate levels of serotonin in the body making us feel happier and more content. Increasing exposure to natural light both in the office and allowing for a few minutes of outside time during the day can dramatically increase employee wellbeing.


Three: Create reasons to eat together, like supporting a local food or nutrition initiative. Recent studies are suggesting that people who don’t talk about topics other than work, may have poorer mental health than those who do.  Supporting healthy initiatives can give workers something positive to talk about over the lunch or tea break.


Four: Get a high-powered blender for your lunchroom! Green smoothies are like a super concentrated natural supplement, in a drink. They are full of antioxidants and nutrients that support cognition. They are also a healthy way to get through the morning and afternoon tea time sugar lows in the office.


Five: One sure fire way to increase productivity in your office, is to create a sense of purpose and belonging. Encouraging employees to contribute to something meaningful in the community, through paid staff leave, in or outside of normal working hours is a fantastic way to develop organisational pride and improve general employee moral.
