
Sex-offenders to be electronically tagged under new legislation

Sex-offenders to be electronically tagged under new legislation

There has been an 11% increase in sex-offenders being monitored in the community over the past year.

206 are being supervised after being released from prison, compared to 185 at the same point in 2021.

The government is bringing in legislation that will allow sex-offenders to be electronically tagged in some circumstances.

The chief executive of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, Tipperary's Noeline Blackwell, is backing the plan.


"Tagging may indeed be a useful aid for those where tagging is needed.

"For instance; to keep them away from certain places where other people might be at risk.

"It is a good idea with a big 'but'.

"Monitoring of tagging has to be full-time, it has to be 24/7.


"It is resource intentive.

"There has to be somebody to notice if someone exceeds the limit of their tag."
