
Young girl injured during gymnastics class settles for €80,000

Young girl injured during gymnastics class settles for €80,000

Ann O'Loughlin

A young girl who injured her arm and dislocated her elbow during a gymnastics class has settled her High Court action for €80,000.

Tess Murray was nine years of age when it is claimed she fell off the high bars as she allegedly attempted to do chin-ups. She fell on the floor injuring her arm and elbow.

Tess Murray, Stamullen, Co Meath had through her mother Patricia Murray sued Irish Gymnastics CLG trading as Gymnastics Ireland over the accident when she attended her first gymnastics class at a venue in Balbriggan, Co Dublin in December 2017.


The young girl, who was nine years old at the time, had gone to the one-hour gymnastics class with a friend. The children did floor exercises for about 20 minutes.

It was claimed an instructor took a group of children over to a work station and allegedly told other children, including Tess, to explore the other stations.

PIAB assessment

It was claimed the young girl ended up on a high bar and was using it when she fell to the floor.

The young girl was taken to hospital where it was discovered she had fractured her arm and dislocated her left elbow. She had to have surgery the next day and physiotherapy later.


Approving the PIAB assessment of €80,000 damages, Mr Justice Garrett Simons noted according to medical reports there was a 20 degree loss of flexion in the young girl’s elbow. Medics were satisfied this may improve in the future.

The judge said the girl who is now 12 years of age has made a very good recovery. Approving the €80,000 assessment of general damages via remote hearing Mr Justice Simons said it was very good.

Image by Ania Klara from Pixabay
