Beat Breakfast

Modern day curses

Modern day curses

In older times here in Ireland, the one way to upset an enemy is to put a curse or a hex on them. Some of the traditional curses can seem quite funny now, such as "May you all go to hell and not have a drop of porter to quench your eternal thirst" or "May you be afflicted with the itch but have no nails to scratch with."

Over the last 24 hours on Twitter, satirical website The Poke has asked people to come up with modern 21st century curses and some of the answers were very funny.




Beat Breakfast listeners also came up with some of their own this morning...

  • May your eyebrows never match
  • May your phone battery always be critically low
  • May your photos be forever unfilterable
  • May you lose your internet connection with Ticketmaster
  • May the Kardashians be on your telly for eternity
  • May the modh coinniollach forever haunt your dreams