
Over 2,000 families deal with death of child each year, support group finds

Over 2,000 families deal with death of child each year, support group finds

More than 2,000 Irish families have to deal with the death of a child each year, according to Anam Cara.

Road crashes, illness and suicide are often the main causes and can bring intense grief and sadness.

The support group is holding an information evening in Dublin later for bereaved parents.

Its CEO, Sharon Vard, is encouraging those dealing with a tragic loss, to attend.


She said: "The death of a child, no matter what the circumstances, goes against the natural order of life and I mean they (parents) are absolutely devastated afterwards they are lost, they don't know where to turn.

"I think the benefit of coming to an evening like tonight, it will give them some sense that they are not on their own, it will give them an idea of what are the services that are out there for them to avail of."
