
Tired of Waiting for You - 20 months spent hanging on for partners and children

Tired of Waiting for You - 20 months spent hanging on for partners and children

We spend nearly 20 months of our lives waiting on our partners and our children.

That's according to a survey conducted by the Privilege Insurance, which says the average person spends almost seven years waiting around in total.

Waiting for food to cook is what holds us the longest - almost 17 months in total, followed by our children (12.7 months), partners (6.5), and slow technology (5.5).

We spend on average almost four months waiting for the kettle to boil.


When asked how they would rather spend their time, 28% of those surveyed said they would rather spend it with their families, 22% said they'd rather be sleeping, while 31% are happy just waiting for things to happen.
