
VIDEO: Lost dog reunited with Kildare owners after four months apart

VIDEO: Lost dog reunited with Kildare owners after four months apart

One family from Kildare got the call they had been waiting for after finding out that their beloved dog had been found.

However, what they didn’t expect was that he was found over 120km away outside Ballinaloe, Co. Galway.

What followed was a heartwarming reunion between Aflie and his owners.


Emma O’Brien - Galway SPCA

Alfie went missing from Kilcock on June 7 and his family pleaded with the public for any information as to his whereabouts.

The Galway Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) found the lurcher in a very neglected state.

Emma O’Brien from SPCA revealed how the family was slow to get their hopes up after numerous false alarms but when they saw Alfie they knew it was him.


“They were overjoyed, to say the least. It’s just so rewarding to see this story have a happy ending.”

Thankfully, Alfie was microchipped and registered and was able to be returned to his rightful owners on October 14.

“It’s so important to microchip your dog, if more dogs have them then maybe we’ll have more happy endings like Alfie’s.”
