
That’s gotta hurt - Insta model bitten by shark trying to get perfect snap

That’s gotta hurt - Insta model bitten by shark trying to get perfect snap

We all love a good selfie but risking our lives and getting bitten by a shark for one seems a bit too far.

However, for one Instagram model she learned the hard way why it’s never okay to put yourself in danger just for a good pic.

Katarina Zarutskie was posing in shark-infested waters when she was bitten by a Nurse shark and dragged underwater.


Speaking on KCal 9 News, the aspiring model said, “I've had stitches and I've done a tonne of different antibiotics. It was a really scary experience.”

So there’s a lesson to be learned from this - don't risk it for the selfie.

That’s gotta hurt - Insta model bitten by shark trying to get perfect snap