
Farmers leave Dublin but may return if 'department digs their heels in'

Farmers leave Dublin but may return if 'department digs their heels in'

Farmers have left the St Stephens Green area of Dublin city centre following a protest that caused traffic chaos for more than 24 hours.

The road closures around Dublin due to the protest have been lifted by gardaí.

However it is unclear whether they are going home or if they plan to gather elsewhere.

Protesters are demanding that injunctions against two farmers as a result of the meat blockades are dropped.


Solicitor PJ Jones, who has been put forward as a spokesperson for the farmers, said if the injunctions are not lifted today, the protests will escalate.

Mr Jones said: "Nobody wants to bring this city to a standstill between now and the 24th of December, but if that's what has to happen and the department digs their heels in on this, well then that's what's going to happen.

"And instead of being 50 tractors up here today, you might see 500 here on Friday."
