
Hollywood sign haunted by a 30s starlet

Hollywood sign haunted by a 30s starlet
Credit: Rafal Maciejski/Pexels

Megan Santos, a regular jogger along the Griffith Trails high above Los Angeles, had an unusual encounter last year. During one of her evening runs, she experienced a series of sneezes, followed by an inexplicable "weird feeling" and a distinct gardenia fragrance.

In a conversation with Vanity Fair, Megan recounted her eerie encounter: "And then, there was this woman with blond hair, and she seemed to be, like...walking on air. I immediately ran the other way."

According to local folklore, that mysterious woman was none other than Peg Entwistle, or rather, the ghost of Peg Entwistle, a once-promising early-film starlet who tragically leapt to her death from the iconic Hollywood sign's "H" in 1932. Some believe that her spirit has haunted the famous landmark ever since.


Peg's journey began on Broadway but culminated in disappointment in Hollywood, where her career faltered. Her suicide note expressed profound regret, reflecting her struggles in the competitive world of the entertainment industry.

Previously reported incidents

Ghost stories related to Peg Entwistle first emerged in the 1940s when the "H" she jumped from mysteriously fell.

In 1990, a couple hiking in Griffith Park reported an eerie sighting of a disoriented blond woman dressed in 1930s attire who inexplicably vanished before their eyes. Several Griffith Park Rangers have also claimed to have encountered "the ghost of the Hollywood sign," often accompanied by the lingering scent of gardenias, which was Peg's preferred fragrance.


Peg's story has also made its way into popular culture, featured in books, movies, and television shows that explore the supernatural.

With Halloween approaching, there are no official ghost tours scheduled for the Hollywood sign. Nevertheless, the Griffith Park trails remain open to the public until 10:30 PM, offering an opportunity for the curious to explore the area while bearing in mind the storied and haunting history.

If you have a penchant for ghost stories, Waterford is preparing for an enchanting Samhain Festival this Halloween.

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